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Thank you for visiting my site! As a professional with over 25 years of experience in the esthetics industry, I am pleased to announce that I have moved to a brand new suite at Avalon Suites!


As always, my new suite is comfy and welcoming. You'll find that I offer all of the same types of services that you have become accustomed to. I offer both "stress relief" type services, as well as "problem skin" services. Waxing has always been a specialty of mine... thorough, quick and painless.


As you learn more about the services I provide, don't hesitate to call or email me with questions. You can book directly online or contact me.



There are a few things to keep in mind when booking:


I do ask that you do not bring children with you while having services.

All services given to teens under the age of 18 must be under supervision of a parent during their services. ​


A 24 hours notification before rescheduling or cancellation is requested. ​ ​


Make it a GREAT day!


    Working together to achieve the skin you've
    always wanted and deserved. 

    Always educated and professional.

    Make it a GREAT day!

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